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Strings attached - Arrangements for clarinet and strings
Johannes Brahms, Robert Schumann

Arno Piters / Members of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra

Strings attached - Arrangements for clarinet and strings

Format: SACD hybrid
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917257229
Catnr: CC 72572
Release date: 16 January 2013
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1 SACD hybrid
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Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72572
Release date
16 January 2013

"Neither Brahms' Sonatas in F Minor and in E flat Major, nor Schumann's Fantasiestücke are easy to perform, requiring strong technique, timing and intonation, which Arno Piters is well able to provide."

Scotland On Sunday, 20-7-2013

About the album

Sonate opus 120/1 f moll für Klarinette und Streichquintett (1894) Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
Fantasiestücke opus 73 (1849) für Klarinette und Streichquartett Robert Schumann (1810-1856)
Sonate opus 120/2 Es dur für Klarinette und Streichsextett Johannes Brahms
Arrangements by Geert van Keulen

Nowadays interest in arrangements is on the rise again, not only in historical adaptations, which shed an interesting light on earlier musical performance practice, but also in contemporary variants.
In my arrangements on this CD only the piano music has been adapted, and the clarinet scores are unchanged. Stylistically, I have tried to stay as close to the originals as possible. Except for a few altered chords and solutions for a number of typically pianistic parts, the notes from the originals are unchanged.

As Schumann and Brahms were inspired by the musicians for whom they wrote these works, in working on the score I also had in mind certain musicians whose musical qualities aroused my enthusiasm. While the arrangement of the sonata in F minor was written at the request of clarinettist Hein Wiedijk, my scores of the E flat major sonata and the Fantasiestücke were written at the request of clarinettist Arno Piters:
Bewerkingen van Schumann en Brahms uitgevoerd door een voortreffelijk gelegenheidsensemble
Dit album bevat sonates van Brahms en fantasiestukken van Schumann bewerkt door Geert van Keulen. Twee van deze werken werden bewerkt op verzoek van Arno Piters, de klarinetsolist die ze op dit album uitvoert, samen met leden van het Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest.

Geert van Keulen over zijn bewerkingen: "De bewerkingen van mijn hand op dit album richten zich uitsluitend op de pianomuziek en laten de klarinetpartijen onveranderd. Bij het bestuderen van de originele partituren was ik er al snel van overtuigd dat een versie voor klarinet en strijkers voor mijn bewerkingen de meest geëigende gedaante zou zijn. Stilistisch gesproken heb ik ernaar gestreefd zo dicht mogelijk bij de bron te blijven. Een paar veranderde akkoordliggingen en oplossingen voor enkele typisch pianistische gedeelten daargelaten, zijn de noten van de originelen ongewijzigd gebleven."

Daarnaast is Geert van Keulen zeer enthousiast over de uitvoerende musici: "De kwaliteit van de toon, gave techniek, en perfectie intonatie en timing van Arno Piters bleken bij de opnames geheel te beantwoorden aan wat ik mij had voorgesteld. Om in mijn enthousiasme nog even door te gaan: zo konden violistes Marleen Asberg en Nienke van Rijn erom strijden wie het allermooist de eerste vioolpartij vertolkte. De onovertrefbare Keiko Iwata speelde met overgave de vaak zeer lastige tweede vioolpartij en Edith van Moergastel gaf met haar volle altvioolklank het middengebied kleur, in de tweede sonate aangevuld met Judith Wijzenbeek op tweede alt. Benedikt Enzler vertolkte zijn partij met precies die combinatie van mannelijkheid, weemoed en hartstocht die ik zo fascinerend vind aan de celloklank en tot slot: het elegante maar toch stevige en stuwende spel van bassist Rob Dirksen verleende aan de beide sonates diepte en sonoriteit."
Die Musiker dieser Aufnahme sind alle Mitglieder des weltweit besten Sinfonieorchesters, dem Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra. Der „königliche“ Soloklarinettist ist Star der Einspielung mit Werken von Brahms und Schumann, die der renommierte niederländische Komponist und Klarinettist Geert van Keulen arrangiert hat. Die Sonaten für Klarinette und Streichquartett oder –sextett von Johannes Brahms und Robert Schumann erleben in dieser brillanten Aufnahme eine neue Dimension: absolut ergreifend.


Arno Piters

Born in 1980, Arno Piters studied clarinet and E-flat clarinet with Jan Cober and Willem van der Vuurst at the Maastricht Conservatory, where he earned an honours diploma. He then went on to study with George Pieterson at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam and was again awarded an honours diploma. Piters was a member of the National Youth Orchestra of the Netherlands, the Gustav Mahler Jugendorchester and the European Union Youth Orchestra, where he performed under such conductors as Pierre Boulez, Bernard Haitink and Vladimir Ashkenazy. He has made solo appearances with the Residentie Orchestra and the Nuremberg Symphony Orchestra, among others. As a chamber player, he has performed at festivals both in and outside the Netherlands. Piters was a member...
Born in 1980, Arno Piters studied clarinet and E-flat clarinet with Jan Cober and Willem van der Vuurst at the Maastricht Conservatory, where he earned an honours diploma. He then went on to study with George Pieterson at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam and was again awarded an honours diploma. Piters was a member of the National Youth Orchestra of the Netherlands, the Gustav Mahler Jugendorchester and the European Union Youth Orchestra, where he performed under such conductors as Pierre Boulez, Bernard Haitink and Vladimir Ashkenazy. He has made solo appearances with the Residentie Orchestra and the Nuremberg Symphony Orchestra, among others. As a chamber player, he has performed at festivals both in and outside the Netherlands. Piters was a member of the Netherlands Radio Symphony Orchestra from 2001 to 2003. He was subsequently appointed as clarinettist and E-flat clarinettist with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in Amsterdam. He teaches at the conservatories in Amsterdam.


Marleen Asberg

Born in 1968, Marleen Asberg studied at the Sweelinck Conservatory in Amsterdam with Herman Krebbers. She won first prize twice at the Iordens Viooldagen in The Hague and the coveted Zilveren Vriendenkrans award, and made it to the final round of the 1987 Oskar Back National Violin Competition. She joined the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in 1991, even before graduating with honours from the conservatory. Asberg is a frequent performer of chamber music and regularly performs as a member of various ensembles. She has played first violin in the Ebony Band since 1992. She has given solo performances with the Arnhem Philharmonic Orchestra and Nieuw Sinfonietta. Asberg plays a violin built by Vuillaume, purchased by the RCO donors’ foundation Stichting Donateurs...
Born in 1968, Marleen Asberg studied at the Sweelinck Conservatory in Amsterdam with Herman Krebbers. She won first prize twice at the Iordens Viooldagen in The Hague and the coveted Zilveren Vriendenkrans award, and made it to the final round of the 1987 Oskar Back National Violin Competition. She joined the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in 1991, even before graduating with honours from the conservatory. Asberg is a frequent performer of chamber music and regularly performs as a member of various ensembles. She has played first violin in the Ebony Band since 1992. She has given solo performances with the Arnhem Philharmonic Orchestra and Nieuw Sinfonietta. Asberg plays a violin built by Vuillaume, purchased by the RCO donors’ foundation Stichting Donateurs for former colleague Hans Speth.


Nienke van Rijn

Born in 1974, Nienke van Rijn started studying the violin when she was five years old at the Zuid-Oost Veluwe Regional Music School in Dieren, the Netherlands. From 1985 to 1992, she was enrolled on the preparatory programme for gifted young musicians at the Zwolle Conservatory, where she studied with Else Krieg. After leaving school in 1992, she went on to study with Jaring Walta at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, where she obtained a performance degree with honours in 1998. She has also had lessons with Jaap van Zweden, Herman Krebbers, Isabelle van Keulen and Thomas Brandis. Van Rijn has taken part in the Princess Christina Competition and the Oskar Back National Violin Competition, and won third prize...
Born in 1974, Nienke van Rijn started studying the violin when she was five years old at the Zuid-Oost Veluwe Regional Music School in Dieren, the Netherlands. From 1985 to 1992, she was enrolled on the preparatory programme for gifted young musicians at the Zwolle Conservatory, where she studied with Else Krieg. After leaving school in 1992, she went on to study with Jaring Walta at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, where she obtained a performance degree with honours in 1998. She has also had lessons with Jaap van Zweden, Herman Krebbers, Isabelle van Keulen and Thomas Brandis. Van Rijn has taken part in the Princess Christina Competition and the Oskar Back National Violin Competition, and won third prize at the 1991 Davina van Wely Violin Competition. She was a member of the National Youth Orchestra of the Netherlands and the Gustav Mahler Youth Orchestra. In October 1997, she performed as a soloist with the Royal Conservatoire orchestra conducted by Lawrence Renes.She makes regular solo appearances with various amateur orchestras.


Edith van Moergastel

Edith van Moergastel studied viola with Jürgen Kussmaul, Marjolein Dispa and Ervin Schiffer. She is the recipient of various prizes, including first prize at the National Competition of the Foundation for Young Musical Talent in the Netherlands, the Vriendenkrans Competition (with the Reinaert Ensemble) and the Schot & Co. Prize at the Tertis Competition. She has participated in masterclasses with Fyodor Druzhinin, Yuri Bashmet and Emile Cantor, among others. Since 2000 Van Moergastel is a member of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra and regularly performs with various chamber music groups. Van Rijn joined the first violin section of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in September 2001. She also performs regularly as a member of various chamber groups and can be heard every...
Edith van Moergastel studied viola with Jürgen Kussmaul, Marjolein Dispa and Ervin Schiffer. She is the recipient of various prizes, including first prize at the National Competition of the Foundation for Young Musical Talent in the Netherlands, the Vriendenkrans Competition (with the Reinaert Ensemble) and the Schot & Co. Prize at the Tertis Competition. She has participated in masterclasses with Fyodor Druzhinin, Yuri Bashmet and Emile Cantor, among others. Since 2000 Van Moergastel is a member of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra and regularly performs with various chamber music groups. Van Rijn joined the first violin section of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in September 2001. She also performs regularly as a member of various chamber groups and can be heard every year at the Festival Internazionale della Musica in Linari, Italy. Van Rijn plays an eighteenth-century violin built by Alexander Gagliano.



Robert Schumann

Robert Schumann was a German composer and influential music critic. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest composers of the Romantic era. Schumann left the study of law, intending to pursue a career as a virtuoso pianist. He had been assured by his teacher Friedrich Wieck that he could become the finest pianist in Europe, but a hand injury ended this dream. Schumann then focused his musical energies on composing. Schumann's published compositions were written exclusively for the piano until 1840; he later composed works for piano and orchestra; many Lieder (songs for voice and piano); four symphonies; an opera; and other orchestral, choral, and chamber works. Works such as Carnaval, Symphonic Studies, Kinderszenen, Kreisleriana, and the Fantasie in...
Robert Schumann was a German composer and influential music critic. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest composers of the Romantic era. Schumann left the study of law, intending to pursue a career as a virtuoso pianist. He had been assured by his teacher Friedrich Wieck that he could become the finest pianist in Europe, but a hand injury ended this dream. Schumann then focused his musical energies on composing.
Schumann's published compositions were written exclusively for the piano until 1840; he later composed works for piano and orchestra; many Lieder (songs for voice and piano); four symphonies; an opera; and other orchestral, choral, and chamber works. Works such as Carnaval, Symphonic Studies, Kinderszenen, Kreisleriana, and the Fantasie in C are among his most famous. His writings about music appeared mostly in the Neue Zeitschrift für Musik (New Journal for Music), a Leipzig-based publication which he jointly founded.
In 1840, Schumann married Friedrich Wieck's daughter Clara, against the wishes of her father, following a long and acrimonious legal battle, which found in favour of Clara and Robert. Clara also composed music and had a considerable concert career as a pianist, the earnings from which, before her marriage, formed a substantial part of her father's fortune.
Schumann suffered from a mental disorder, first manifesting itself in 1833 as a severe melancholic depressive episode, which recurred several times alternating with phases of ‘exaltation’ and increasingly also delusional ideas of being poisoned or threatened with metallic items. After a suicide attempt in 1854, Schumann was admitted to a mental asylum, at his own request, in Endenich near Bonn. Diagnosed with "psychotic melancholia", Schumann died two years later in 1856 without having recovered from his mental illness.


Johannes Brahms

Johannes Brahms was a German composer and pianist. Born in Hamburg into a Lutheran family, Brahms spent much of his professional life in Vienna, Austria. His reputation and status as a composer is such that he is sometimes grouped with Johann Sebastian Bach and Ludwig van Beethoven as one of the 'Three Bs' of music, a comment originally made by the nineteenth-century conductor Hans von Bülow.   Brahms composed for symphony orchestra, chamber ensembles, piano, organ, and voice and chorus. A virtuoso pianist, he premiered many of his own works. He worked with some of the leading performers of his time, including the pianist Clara Schumann and the violinist Joseph Joachim (the three were close friends). Many of his works have become...
Johannes Brahms was a German composer and pianist. Born in Hamburg into a Lutheran family, Brahms spent much of his professional life in Vienna, Austria. His reputation and status as a composer is such that he is sometimes grouped with Johann Sebastian Bach and Ludwig van Beethoven as one of the "Three Bs" of music, a comment originally made by the nineteenth-century conductor Hans von Bülow.
Brahms composed for symphony orchestra, chamber ensembles, piano, organ, and voice and chorus. A virtuoso pianist, he premiered many of his own works. He worked with some of the leading performers of his time, including the pianist Clara Schumann and the violinist Joseph Joachim (the three were close friends). Many of his works have become staples of the modern concert repertoire. Brahms, an uncompromising perfectionist, destroyed some of his works and left others unpublished.
Brahms has been considered, by his contemporaries and by later writers, as both a traditionalist and an innovator. His music is firmly rooted in the structures and compositional techniques of the Classical masters. While many contemporaries found his music too academic, his contribution and craftsmanship have been admired by subsequent figures as diverse as Arnold Schoenberg and Edward Elgar. The diligent, highly constructed nature of Brahms's works was a starting point and an inspiration for a generation of composers. Within his meticulous structures is embedded, however, a highly romantic nature.



Neither Brahms' Sonatas in F Minor and in E flat Major, nor Schumann's Fantasiestücke are easy to perform, requiring strong technique, timing and intonation, which Arno Piters is well able to provide.
Scotland On Sunday, 20-7-2013

We now have a Brahms clarinet sextet and septet, arranged from his clarinet sonatas. The inclusion of the double bass sounds unidiomatic - but some lovely playing.
BBC Music Magazine, 01-7-2013

Arno Piters’s playing is as mellifluous as can be 
Audiophile Audition, 13-6-2013

The soundworld (shaped by arranger/composer Geert van Keulen) is notably darker than Brahms's orginal, but the result is fluid and idiomatic. Clarinettist Arno Piters is hansomely supported by his colleagues from the Concertgebouw.
The Independant on Sunday, 05-5-2013

Arno Piters makes a great album with the members of the Royal Concertgebouw, the clarinet blends in beautifully with the strings.
Platomania, 15-2-2013

A very nice Brahms - it is worth it, get in touch with the late works in this way.
MDR Figaro

Play album Play album
Sonata in F Minor für Klarinette und Streichquintett, Op. 120/1: I. Allegro appassionato
(Johannes Brahms) Arno Piters, Marleen Asberg, Keiko Iwata, Edith van Moergastel, Benedikt Enzler, Rob Dirksen, Members of the Royal concertgebouw Orchestra
Sonata in F Minor für Klarinette und Streichquintett, Op. 120/1: II. Andante un poco Adagio
(Johannes Brahms) Arno Piters, Marleen Asberg, Keiko Iwata, Edith van Moergastel, Benedikt Enzler, Rob Dirksen, Members of the Royal concertgebouw Orchestra
Sonata in F Minor für Klarinette und Streichquintett, Op. 120/1: III. Allegretto grazioso
(Johannes Brahms) Arno Piters, Marleen Asberg, Keiko Iwata, Edith van Moergastel, Benedikt Enzler, Rob Dirksen, Members of the Royal concertgebouw Orchestra
Sonata in F Minor für Klarinette und Streichquintett, Op. 120/1: IV. Vivace
(Johannes Brahms) Arno Piters, Marleen Asberg, Keiko Iwata, Edith van Moergastel, Benedikt Enzler, Rob Dirksen, Members of the Royal concertgebouw Orchestra
Fantasiestücke für Klarinette und Streichquartett, Op. 73: I. Zart und mit Ausdruck
(Robert Schumann) Arno Piters, Marleen Asberg, Keiko Iwata, Edith van Moergastel, Benedikt Enzler, Members of the Royal concertgebouw Orchestra
Fantasiestücke für Klarinette und Streichquartett, Op. 73: II. Lebhaft, leicht
(Robert Schumann) Arno Piters, Marleen Asberg, Keiko Iwata, Edith van Moergastel, Benedikt Enzler, Members of the Royal concertgebouw Orchestra
Fantasiestücke für Klarinette und Streichquartett, Op. 73: III. Rasch und mit Feuer
(Robert Schumann) Arno Piters, Marleen Asberg, Keiko Iwata, Edith van Moergastel, Benedikt Enzler, Members of the Royal concertgebouw Orchestra
Sonate in E-Flat Major für Klarinette und Streichsextett, Op. 120/2: I. Allegro amabile
(Johannes Brahms) Judith Wijzenbeek, Arno Piters, Keiko Iwata, Edith van Moergastel, Benedikt Enzler, Rob Dirksen, Nienke van Rijn, Members of the Royal concertgebouw Orchestra
Sonate in E-Flat Major für Klarinette und Streichsextett, Op. 120/2: II. Allegro appassionato
(Johannes Brahms) Judith Wijzenbeek, Nienke van Rijn, Arno Piters, Keiko Iwata, Edith van Moergastel, Benedikt Enzler, Rob Dirksen, Members of the Royal concertgebouw Orchestra
Sonate in E-Flat Major für Klarinette und Streichsextett, Op. 120/2: III. Andante con moto, Allegro
(Johannes Brahms) Judith Wijzenbeek, Nienke van Rijn, Arno Piters, Keiko Iwata, Edith van Moergastel, Benedikt Enzler, Rob Dirksen, Members of the Royal concertgebouw Orchestra

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